Ultimate Blog Entry

Over a week in Perth now and its starting to feel like home. We've met up with Stephanie and Joe and watched a few of their Ultimate Frisbee Games. Man is this ultimate! Never have I seen a sport so intense and crazy. These guys are real hardcore athletes......hhmmm....anyway enough about frisbee, we're thinking about the World Bat and Ball Championships coming up next year - That will be intense! (Sorry steph!).
So far Stephs team (Iceni) are 3-0, while Joes team (Fire of London) are 1-1 and need to win their next game. Will keep you posted!
Was planning to go surfing today in Scarborough, but the woman at the desk scared Nikki out of it as there were 2 great white sharks spotted off the coast the previous week and the "Shark Alarm" brought everyone out of the water. Will probably go later in the week on my own instead and Nikki will be on Shark Watch! If not she will get some great photos off me getting eaten.
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