Feeling Hot Hot Hot!

A few amazing things have occurred over the past week and a half. Firstly, we have now found another free internet place (the Library in Palm Springs), Yosemite and Vegas are amazing and Xavi Alonso has scored the best goal at Anfield and I can't find anywhere I can watch it (Any web addresses showing the goal that would be allowed at a Library would be appreciated).
With the slight dissappointment of California so far, we spent a few days in Yosemite not really expecting much. However, this place is impressive. We stayed in a Canvas hut in the woods and was told the following day there were at least 3 bears roaming the camp site that night. We were also told that one of the trails nearby had been closed due to 3 cougers killing a dear on the trail! Later that day, while walking to the visitor centre the walkway was closed off as a bear was up an oak tree (about 50m up!) and the rangers were waiting for it to come down.
The following day we went for a walk up to glacier point which is a 4.6mile hike up a mountain. The view was great but on the way back we came across a bear with 2 cubs 6feet from the trail. We spent half an hour waiting for them to go before we could pass, however this bear was not moving. Luckily some very 'intelligent' americans came by and started taking photos of the bear while ooing and arrghing over how cute they looked. We took this oppertunity to walk around the bear as, should we need to run, the Americans were slightly 'bigger' allowing us to out run them. Photos will follow we promise....
Nikki has decided she now wants to become a Park Ranger so she can look after the bears (Her new favourite animal).
From there we headed off to Vegas. This is the best place I (Tony) have ever visited. All you can eat breakfeast/lunch/dinner for less than a fiver. We managed to eat enough in one sitting to cover a whole days food (with the exception of a McFlurry before bed). Not bad as our usual diet consists of 'Continental' Breakfast (Muffin), sandwhich for lunch followed by Sub-way/McDonalds for dinner. If it wasn't for the amount of walking we do we would both have put on several stones by now!
Our favourite Casino was the Venetian, a Venice setting with canals running through the whole Casino with Gondalas and a replica St Marks Square. This should be hideous, but for some reason looks very impressive. Best place, especially when the couple next to us said "Wow, this place looks exactly like France".
Nikki booked a trip to the Grand Canyon by Bus. It broke down for 2 hours, took 17 hours of travel to get us 1 hour viewing time. Nightmare, but still enjoyed the day.
Glad you're enjoying it. I didn't go to San Fran or Vegas - everyone I know who's been to Vegas loved it, though.
Sounds like you're getting a bit close to the wildlife - but Nikkis used to that, after living with Tony so long!
oh, Tony - even I have seen that goal !!
Sounds like you are still having an amazing time - and so much 'eat as much as you want (or 'as you can'!!) food' - what more could you want ?!
Am impressed with all the wildlife you have seen - & the cougar stories sound v. scary! - although slightly disappointed that you are only missing me as the 'slow runner'!
I cant wait to see more photos...
Will the library allow this?
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