The Earth IS flat!

Hey everyone, hope you had a great christmas. We have now spent the last week or so in New Zealand - The coldest and wettest place on the planet!!! We've spent some time in Christchurch, Kaikoura and Nelson. New Zealand seems a very pretty country, even if it does rain all day. It's bloody well like Manchester!!
Nikki's Ma and Pa have joined us and we spent Christmas with them at Nelson Lakes. Bizzarely, christmas day was very hot so we relaxed by the lake and I spent most of the day reading Steven Gerrard autobiography in the sun.
We are now at the Glaciers and it has rained (torrentially) for the whole time here, which is about 2 days now. Amazing! We have booked ourselves onto the fox glacier guided walk for tomorrow. Things should hopefully warm up then!
Anyway, if we don't write before new year, hope you all have a great new year and let us know what you are all upto. We are spending our new year in Queenstown and I have roped myself into doing a skydive, but we'll see.
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